Inside Kinetix Health & Performance Center is a full-service spa services department with expert massage therapists on staff to fullfill all your body work needs. With our customized massage sessions, we can help you relieve stress, muscle pain and stiffness, facilitate injury rehabilitation and recovery, and much more. To talk to our massage therapists about customizing a massage to your needs, give us a call at (760) 200-1719 or request an appointment below:
Types of Massage:
Deep Tissue Massage
This type of massage is recommended for those who get regular bodywork and are accustomed to firm or heavy pressure. Deep Tissue Massage releases adhesions in the fascia and can be quite intense, going below the superficial muscle layers to the deeper muscles and tissues where many structural problems originate.
This full body standard massage combines three basic strokes: long firm strokes, kneading, and small circles. This massage helps reduce tension, soothe sore muscles, increase circulation and induces relaxation.
Sports Massage Combined with Stretch Therapy
A combination of massage and manual stretching. This type of massage is for the serious individual who wants to increase range of motion and want to make a change in their flexibility. Whether it is pre or post event will determine what massage strokes are utilized.
Myofascial Release
Releasing superficial fascia with myofascial techniques can have a valuable benefit to various types of muscular problems. This technique is performed by applying gentle sustained pressure in a certain direction(s) and holding that pressure until some degree of release is felt in the tissue.
Maternity Massage
For the mommy to be or after delivery, a relaxing massage can help ease those aches and pains associated with childbirth.
A full session concentrating on the feet. Ancient medicine beliefs state that there are points in your feet and hands that correspond to various organs in your body. This is a relaxing session and you may add a peppermint foot scrub to your session (please ask about details). This can also assist you with your balance. We have ½ hour or hour sessions available.
TMJ Disorder (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)
Often, headaches and neck pain can be a result of tight muscles in the jaw as a result of clenching, grinding or other stresses. This style of massage concentrates on working with the deeper muscles of the jaw these muscles are called masseter, temporalis, internal pterygoid and external pterygoid. In conjunction with massage and the recommendations made by the therapist you can ease the discomforts that are associated with this dysfunction.
Structural Integration
Looking at a person and assessing their individual needs and providing them with a specialized treatment protocol to target their specific goals. Whether it may be a muscular imbalance, flexibility issue or strength goal this style can help alleviate many problems where they originate.
Stretch Therapy / PNF
Combined with massage providing the client with either passive and active stretching, contract relax or pnf (propreoceptive neurological facilitation) can help increase range of motion and flexibility.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage
This type of massage concentrates on the lymphatic system. Restore proper lymph flow to the system.
What are lymph nodes?
Lymph nodes can be as small as the head of a pin, or as big as an olive. There are 400-700 lymph nodes in the body, half of which are located in the abdomen. There are approximately 170-200 located in your neck.
The primary function of lymph nodes is to filter and purify the lymph. The lymph nodes produce various types of lymphocytes. Lymphocytes destroy harmful substances within the body, and are a big part of the immune system. The lymph fluid enters the node, moves through various sinuses and cavities, mixes with lymphocytes and phagocytes, and leaves the node through efferent lymph vessels.
The lymph nodes also reabsorb about 40% of the liquid content of the lymph. This makes the lymph much thicker. Because of this thickening and the filtering process, the lymph nodes offer the greatest resistance to the flow of lymph. In fact the lymph nodes offer about 15 times more resistance than the vessels themselves. Lymphatic drainage massage can help overcome this resistance and get the lymph flowing more freely.
- Reduction in edemas (swelling) and lymphedemas of various origins.
- Detoxification of the body.
- Relief of numerous chronic and subacute inflammations, including sinusitis, bronchitis and otitis.
- Relief of chronic pain.
- Regeneration of tissue, including burns, wounds, stretch marks and wrinkles.
- Stimulation of the immune system.
- Reduction in the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
- Antispastic actions to relieve conditions such as muscle hypertonus and some forms of constipation.
- Deep relaxation to aid insomnia, stress, loss of vitality and loss of memory.
- Anti-aging effects.
- Alleviation of adiposis and cellulite tissue.
How does it work?
All of the lymph above the waist drains up into the axillary nodes. All the lymph below drains down into the inguinal nodes. After the lymph drains into the inguinal nodes, it travels upward though the organs, to the thoracic duct, and then up near the heart where it is distibuted back into the blood stream. The center and lower lymphotome drains the lymph into the submandiblular nodes, then down the cervical chain, to the terminus and into the blood stream. The lateral part of the breast drains out towards the axillary nodes. The upper medial part drains into the sternal nodes, which then drain up to the terminus and into the blood stream. The lower medial portion drains deep into the torso.
Techniques are performed with hands and fingers simulating gentle, wave-like movements. These subtle manual maneuvers activate lymph and interstitial fluid circulation as well as stimulate the functioning of the immune and parasympathetic nervous systems. It can be used for post traumatic injury or surgery to reduce the swelling and speed up the healing time. It can also be used to help treat migraines, sinusitis, acne, tinnitus, and high blood pressure. It is helpful wherever there is poor circulation, or a need for detoxification.
It is safe for most everyone to receive, including the elderly, as it is noninvasive, as well as having a calming effect on the nervous system, it is a non-oil massage.
You should allow an hour for personal areas of need, an hour and a half for a full body treatment and and a half hour for a spot treatment.